Thursday, December 11, 2008

Consumer Electronics in india

The City

A decade ago India was rich in consumer electronics manufacturing. It was a  pioneer country in electronics goods development and production. People of India were proud to be in electronics business. They were investing huge amount in this sector and use to give employment to thousands. From the profit  they were  putting money on development of new goods by setting research and development units and were  engaging  highly qualified professionals. Also the Country use to export TV sets, phone receivers, electronics machinery etc. But the time took a reverse turn for this sector in India and at present in Indian market hardly one can get a consumer electronics Indian product.

The reason is, cheap electronics goods with zero stranded quality of neighboring countries have captured the Indian market. Due to this India has been loosing   revenue for each day and electronics engineering skills are decreasing from electronics engineering professionals. So also employment opportunities are reduced to zero in this sector. Indians are very well known for their intellectuality. It is highly expected, they must  come out with some good solution in near future, by which high quality electronics goods should  be made in India at same price at which low quality imported items are available.

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